Land & Property Services (LPS) is a division within the Department of Finance (DoF) and is responsible for delivering a broad range of land and property services and products on behalf of the Northern Ireland Executive.
≈1100 staff. Budget of approximately £60 million. Five directorates based in six sites across Northern Ireland
The Goal
The current five year LPS business strategy, LPS 2020, was developed to transform delivery of LPS’ services by creating a more customer focused, integrated, agile and efficient organisation. The prime objectives are fundamental expansion in the quality range and accessibility of innovative customer service and a sustainable reduction in the costs of the public purse of service delivery.
The Strategy
The delivery of LPS 2020 is supported by a Transformation Programme which covers two main strands: Digital Transformation and Service Improvement.
- The transformational change is based on continuous improvement of business services and business process engineering.
- Service improvement projects of varying size and duration are the main method of delivering the Programme.
LPS has identified Lean Six Sigma Methodology as the approach best suited to support the delivery of transformational change achievement. This methodology has been approved by the Departmental Board.
Working closely with the LPS Chief Executive Officer, and his executive team and deeper into the organisation, Catalyst is providing coaching, support, strategic guidance and training to support this Transformation programme. This has involved working with the senior team, developing and training a group of change agents and coaching them on improvement projects. As with other agencies in NI Government which Catalyst is supporting – NISRA, FSNI, this will fulfil LPS’s aims and enable them to be officially recognised for competency and best practice. It would also provide a measurable and comparable benchmark of competency and capability against other organisations.