Transformation Results
Real world results achieved with our guidance;
validated benefits in the first 12 months,
and a further €6M in the pipeline
reduction in field visits across Europe; worth €100k- €177k per month
labour time reduction; worth €500k- €1500k per month
Stock decrease 15% for EU field service engineers
Onsite Firmware update time eliminated by remote servicing.
Increased visit avoidance and phone fixes;
~10-20% increase in achievement against remote service targets.
Increased remote resolutions and firmware updates;
~60-70,000 service hours per year, €2-3M
Increased service visits/day
Reduced Car stock value and Return visits
Reduction in bid/quotation leadtime
Development of IT tools to effectively “size” the service organisation
Additional benefits
- Cultural alignment across 23 Operating Companies
- Lead time reduction
- Client retention
- Award winning transformation; helping to drive engagement and support Change Management
- Strategy robustness testing and Balanced Scorecard systems.
- Establishing Governance/PMO and mentoring systems
- Quick Wins development and deployment for early benefit realisation
- Enhanced Innovation approaches
- Enhanced Internal communications
- Delivered detailed analysis and identification of Waste and inefficiencies existing within the organisation
- Developed a cadre of experienced Change and Improvement leaders, able to champion and deliver future transformation efforts across the business
- Improved collaboration and breaking down of functional silos
- Development of process management training and mechanisms for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of re-engineered process
- Improved Customer and Employee experience, better business retention
- Improved quality; right first time, failure demand, process consistency, errors and rework
- Common tools for all OpCos, allowing benchmarking across the region
- More precise budgeting, forecasting and identification of cost saving opportunities
- A standardised process and fewer systems reduced rework and increased efficiencies
- Improve Cost allocation
- New QC approach
- New Governance Model designed
- Increase the added value to customers by communicating and providing services according a well standardised and fully accepted ITIL framework
- Decrease number of unused parts shipped back
- Provide better information to customers with a better tracking system adds value to the service
- Increase the predictability of delivering the required results within the defined timeframe
- Increased team leadership skills
- Developed a key group of Lean Six Sigma certified leaders with a mind-set that can drive Continuous Improvement and enable future transformation in the organisation
Learn More
Find out more about how Catalyst can help your business achieve real-world results like these. Download our Prospectus and get in touch to discuss your needs in detail.