Transformation Results
Real world results achieved with our guidance;
reduction in process turnaround time; average of 6.26 days to 3.48 days
over £5M
of cost Benefits in one year
drop in process preparation time
Overtime down 32%
£500k cost savings pa
Submission cycle time down from 32 days to <1 day
500 staff hours and 375 customer hours saved in a single process
of priority orders meet SLAs
improvement in cashflow
Now able to consistently pay PFI Suppliers on or within 2 days of the payment due dates
Process effort reduction of ~16 FTE,
a 23% reduction in process cost
reduction in end-to-end process leadtime
Design of the Future Transformation business model and the Roadmap for its implementation
Reduction in Occupational Therapy Equipment leadtime
from 34.5 days average to 1.5 days
Additional benefits
- Effective Change Management deployment
- Development and deployment of corporate Vision and Values by engaging staff in all functions and at all levels
- Developing and embracing a Continuous Improvement mindset and way of working
- Winning the 2014 British Quality Foundation – Lean Six Sigma Award
- Increased efficiency and productivity, and improved quality standards
- “Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow has been transformed by lean – every day, Glasgow is a better place to live”
- Customer and service user satisfaction increased considerably; complaints and escalations reduced considerably
- Reduced human intervention in the process
- Reduced documentation
- Need for Management approval eliminated from the workflow
- Introduction of Visual Management
- Massive reduction in Non-value Add activity and Waste
- Development of an innovative benefits tracking matrix.
- Substantial reduction in the volume of inappropriate requests for payment
- Substantially reduced the number of days vulnerable clients are waiting to be assessed
- Reducing the workload on staff without any compromise to the quality of purchasing activity
- Improved information access to customers
- Reduced stress on staff
Learn More
Find out more about how Catalyst can help your business achieve real-world results like these. Download our Prospectus and get in touch to discuss your needs in detail.