The Vaccine Our Organisations Need

In his 1984 book ‘Quality Without Tears’, Philip Crosby introduced the concept of a Quality Vaccine – a super serum that could be injected into an organisation to drive improvement and prevent hassle. With vaccines at the very forefront of our minds and a new year just around the corner, it’s apt to think about…

Setting Learning Objectives

It’s thanks to the Education Act of 1880 that each new academic year starts in September. By this time of year the harvest had been collected so the children could be spared from their work on the land for a few hours a day to attend school. This has endured – even in 2020! – …

Breaking the Ice on 2020

Icebergs seem ubiquitous in the world of Continuous Improvement: there’s John Kotter’s change management fable ‘Our Iceberg is Melting’; the Iceberg model used by systems thinkers to get below the ‘surface’ events in order to understand the patterns, structures and mental models underneath; the famous Cost of Poor Quality iceberg that shows there are many…